What should I eat for Breakfast!?

I get it.. You pressed snooze a couple times and now you are running out the door with nothing to eat and stopping to get a latte and a muffin before work. NO! Breakfast is the EASIEST meal of the day to prep the night before so you can start the day off right with a delicious, nutrition packed breakfast that will have you buzzing with energy until lunch.

I always find a delicious breakfast sets the tone for the day, and if I start off with a nutritionally devoid fast food breaky- I feel lethargic and blah for the majority of the day. So here are some simple solutions!

Lean, Mean Green Smoothie:
You can easily make this in big batches and throw into cute hipster mason jars to freeze and take out the night before for a delish on- the-go breakfast.
1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 scoop whey protein isolate (I like vanilla)
2 handfuls of spinach (or kale if you don’t mind a sightly more bitter taste)
handful of frozen mango
half a frozen banana (I always buy more banana’s than I need: peel them, cut them in half, and freeze them so they are always ready for smoothies. Frozen banana’s make smoothies so much thicker and creamier!)
Blend all together.

Overnight Berry Chia Oats
Bet you didn’t know you don’t need to cook oats did you? Make your oats the night before and you can eat them cold in the morning (or heat it up) for a super easy and nutrition PACKED breakfast!
-1/3 cup oats
-1/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
-1 tsp vanilla extract
-1 cup frozen (or regular) berries
-Sprinkle cinnamon
-1 tbsp chia seeds
-1 tbsp crushed walnuts
-Sugar free maple syrup, or real maple syrup to taste
Mix it all together- and it will be ready to go in the morning!

Overnight Coffee Chia Pudding

Have your coffee and eat it too!

  • ½ cup brewed coffee (chilled)
  • ½ cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1 heaping tablespoon almond butter (or other nut or seed butter)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • Blend everything except the chia seeds in a blender and then mix in the chia seeds. Put into two seperate containers for two breakfasts, or 1 bigger one. Store in  fridge and the next day- eat up… Breakfast is served.

If you have a little bit more time in the mornings and want a hot breakfast, below are some good options!

Green Eggs and Toast 😉

1 slice whole wheat toast
1/4-1/2 avocado, mashed
1-2 eggs
Salt & Pepper

Mash avocado and put on your toast, top with salt and pepper and eggs. Filling and filled with all the good stuff. Squeeze a little lemon on there too for something extra!

Peanut Butter Banana Coconut Oatmeal
1/3 cup oats
1/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 banana sliced
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp peanut butter (all natural)
maple syrup to taste
1 tbsp coconut flakes (all natural)

Mix together the oats, almond milk, and vanilla extract and microwave for 2 minutes. Add in the rest and mix together. If you want a little extra try a tbsp of dark chocolate trips for a truly delicious and decadent breakfast!


I hope these recipes help you start your mornings a little easier, and a little bit healthier! Stay tuned for more recipes coming your way…